
17 December 2010

Writing Session - Intermediate 12

Este es mi penúltimo writing de intermedio 12, creo que los errores nunca van a faltar, pero ahi vamos.

It's certainly true that having a baby is a godsend and every human being has the right to be a parent. Nowadays, new fertilisation techniques make it possible for women to have babies in their fifties, or even sixties. Should they be allowed to have children at this age?
One point in favour of this is the fact that older couples will give their children much better education than younger ones, because they are experienced and mature enough to handle with every situation, and therefore the baby will grow up enjoying the stability of a healthy and solid family.
What is more they are established people, in economic and psychological terms, so they are better able to educate and teach their children.
On the other hand, older people are more prone to getting a disease, and therefore, the child is at risk to experience less time with their parents in case they decease.

16 December 2010

Writing Session - Intermediate 12

This was the last writing task I presented before finishing intermediate 12, it's a film review.

One film that I really enjoyed was Saving Private Ryan, which is an American war film set during the invasion of Normandy in World War 2. It was directed by Steven Spielberg in 1998 and starred Tom Hanks as Captain John Miller and Matt Damon as Private James Ryan.
The film begins when Miller is informed that three of four brothers have all died and that their mother will receive all three notices on the same day, so he is ordered to find Ryan, who is still alive. Miller assembles six rangers from his company to accomplish the task.
As the story unfolds, one of his men is fatally wounded by a sniper; however, despite the misgivings of his men he did not give up and after struggling against German defenses they finally find Ryan. There is quite a lot of action and suspense, and also the location is really suitable.
One thing that can be boring sometimes is the dialogue, but in general the film is worth watching and is aimed for all audiences, especially those who like war films.

01 December 2010

Let's Improve Our English Skills through LIVEMOCHA

Livemocha es un comunidad en internet de aprendizaje e intercambio idiomático. Hace unos meses atrás una amiga de Turkía me habló de este sitio y no dudé en registrarme y probar. El concepto que más me gusta de esta red social es que uno puede inscribirse en cursos gratuitos de muchos idiomas, enviar ejercicios hablados y escritos que podrán ser revisados por usuarios nativos del idioma que uno está aprendiendo. Además, uno puede ayudar a otros que están aprendiendo Español, también revisando y corrigiendo los ejercicios que envían. Pero sin duda lo mejor, en mi opinión, es la posibilidad de solicitar una conversación por medio de una venta de chat a cualquier persona de habla inglesa. Lo he probado y ahora mantengo amistad con varias personas de diferentes lugares, con los cuales siempre chateo en inglés. Una muy buena manera de practicar nuestro inglés escrito. Los animo a que prueben este sitio y vean si es de su agrado.