
20 May 2011

FCE - An Article

Many people dream of being famous. Which would you prefer: to be famous, or to be successful but not so well-known?
The writer of the best article will be invited to appear on the TV programme: The Next Millionaire.

Write your article.

Beyond Fame and Success

The lure of being famous is so great among people that perhaps no one would pass up the opportunity of becoming famous. Success is other word that people long to achieve. Actually, both of them are positive; however, being famous has some negative aspects to consider.

First, celebrities are continuously in the public eye, and whenever they get involved in a scandal, the gossip is widely disseminated by the tabloids. In addition to that, the paparazzi are so desperate to get a picture of famous people that they don't care to invade their privacy. This could be really disturbing and annoying for anyone.

On the other hand, being successful means having accomplished all that you had proposed in life, but doesn’t ensure you’re going to be famous. Although you’re not a very well-known person, it’s satisfying and encouraging to have achieved a high position in the job you love because you made all your effort. So, despite the advantages of being famous, I prefer to be successful instead.

word count: 168

19 May 2011

FCE - An Essay

You have had a class discussion on how interested young people are in health and fitness. Now, your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinions on the following statement:

Young people generally don't pay enough attention to their health and fitness.

Health and Fitness

Nowadays, health and fitness is a matter of great importance. Health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles are very common these days, especially in young people who generally don’t pay enough attention to it. As a consequence of this, ignoring the negative effects on their daily lives can lead to a not very favourable result.

Young people tend to spend too much time in front of a computer late at night and don’t have enough sleeping hours. What is more, they usually have a small breakfast before going to their daily activities and at the end of the day they feel stressed because they lack of energy which was not supplied by a decent breakfast or meal during the day.

However, a big percentage of young people are interested in getting fit. They care about their diet and go to a gym or do any sort of exercises which keeps them in shape.

Whatever your age, it’s important to get enough exercise. So think about joining a gym or go for a regular walk or run.

word count: 176

18 May 2011

FCE - A Letter

This is a reply to a friend who is thinking of visiting your country and has asked you to advise her where to go, what to see and what is the best way to get there.

Dear Valerie,

I’m very glad to hear that you’re thinking of visiting my country this summer. You can enjoy striking countryside and scenery in many parts of the country, although Peru's climate varies considerably by region and altitude.

If you want somewhere where weather is temperate, I’d advise you to go to Canta, in the northeast of Lima. It’s a typical village where you can find some nice waterfalls scattered throughout the land as the Velo de la Novia in the highest part of the territory.

If you want to see wildlife, there is no question that Manu is the best bet. I'm sure you will love to see the dolphins in the rivers and many monkey species.

The most common route to get to Canta, starting from Lima is via the Panamericana Norte Highway, heading to the Avenida Universitaria to then exit through Carabayllo entering a road that will take you to the northeast, towards Canta.

I hope you enjoy your holiday and have good weather!

Best wishes,


word count: 170