Many people dream of being famous. Which would you prefer: to be famous, or to be successful but not so well-known?
The writer of the best article will be invited to appear on the TV programme: The Next Millionaire.
Write your article.
Beyond Fame and SuccessThe lure of being famous is so great among people that perhaps no one would pass up the opportunity of becoming famous. Success is other word that people long to achieve. Actually, both of them are positive; however, being famous has some negative aspects to consider.First, celebrities are continuously in the public eye, and whenever they get involved in a scandal, the gossip is widely disseminated by the tabloids. In addition to that, the paparazzi are so desperate to get a picture of famous people that they don't care to invade their privacy. This could be really disturbing and annoying for anyone.On the other hand, being successful means having accomplished all that you had proposed in life, but doesn’t ensure you’re going to be famous. Although you’re not a very well-known person, it’s satisfying and encouraging to have achieved a high position in the job you love because you made all your effort. So, despite the advantages of being famous, I prefer to be successful instead.word count: 168