
02 March 2011

FCE - An Email

This is my own answer to the writing task in advanced 1. There were four points to deal with and it was written in a slightly informal register.

Hi Laryssa,

Thanks for your email. I’m thrilled at the idea that you're coming to Lima. Personally, I think the best time to come is at the beginning of the year when things are cheaper.

If you want to meet young people, I recommend that you visit a university campus. It would be great too if you come to my neighbourhood, so I could organise a small party. The weather is slightly warm, so you should bring just light clothes, sunglasses and some hats to avoid a sunburn.

Thanks for inviting me to spend time with your friends I’m eager to meet them. I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun together. I’ll take you to meet many places in my town I'm sure you will enjoy. Let me know when you’re coming!

Best wishes,

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