
30 November 2010

First Day In Intermediate 12

Hi folks, today was my first I12 class, in fact it was the 3rd day but I did not attend on Friday neither Monday. Some familiar faces from the previous cicle and a new teacher whose name I don't remember.
In spite of feeling that I have forgotten a lot of vocabulary and essential grammar, I am fairly excited about this cicle because it is the last one before passing to the advanced level course. It is challenging, and I think it will certainly enrich my knowledge of the english language.

Looking back to the basic courses, I realise that I definitely need to check previous topics I might have missed and most of the time I wrongly think it's unimportant. Key points that are really useful when writing and speaking.

Everyone knows about the scholarships the Británico anually gives to the students who get an "A" mark in the FCE examination and bring them the opportunity to travel to the United Kingdom. I encourage all of you, myself included, to have this as one of our major goals in life. Not only for the fact of visiting a new country, but also for being able to improve ourselves as human being.

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